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Glossary of Moon Words:

Apogee - The farthest point from the Earth in the Moon's orbit.

Apolune - The farthest point from the Moon in an object's orbit around it.

Crescent Moon - Only a thin crescent slice of the Moon being visible from Earth.

Dark of the Moon - Also referred to as the New Moon, it is called this because the Moon is not visible in the sky.

Earthshine - The light of the sun that is reflected back into space by Earth, and which can illuminate other objects such as the Moon.

Eclipse - Any interference between the light from the Sun and the object being illuminated. The Moon frequently moves between the Earth and the Sun, blocking out the Sun's rays.

Far Side - The side of the Moon which faces away from the Earth and which is not visible via planetary observation.

First Quarter Moon - During this phase of the Moon 50% of it is illuminated and visible from the Earth. It occurs after the Crescent phase and before the Waxing Gibbous phase.

Full Moon - During this phase of the Moon it is entirely illuminated and visible from the Earth. The Moon is opposite the Sun in this phase, with the Earth in between.

Gibbous Moon - There are two Gibbous phases of the Moon, with the first representing the growing moon between the First Quarter and the Full Moon and the second when it describes the Moon growing smaller as it shrinks down from the Full Moon to the Last Quarter. These phases are referred to as the Waxing Gibbous and Waning Gibbous.

Gravity - Gravity is the attractive force which spins the space objects around their orbit.

Half Moon - Term that is used to describe the First Quarter Moon and the Last Quarter Moon.

Last Quarter Moon - The phase of the Moon between the Waning Gibbous and the Waning Crescent, where 50% of the Moon is still visible before the Waning Crescent phase wipes it from the sky.

Lattitude - Coordinate system used on a planetary body to give the location of a point in relation to its equator.

Longitude - Coordinate system used on a planetary body to give the location of a point in relation to a reference meridian. Meridians are lines that pass through the north pole and south pole.

Lunar Day - The period of time it takes fro the Moon to make a single orbit around the Earth. 

Moon - The natural satellite in orbit around the planet Earth. Also the classification for any natural satellite found in orbit around any other planet.

Moon Rise - It is the first appearance that the Moon makes over the Earth's horizon.

Moon Set - When the Moon disappears behind the Earth's horizon.

Near Side - The side of the Moon that is visible from Earth.

Perigee - The closest point to the Earth in the Moon's orbit.

Phases - The different illumination that the Moon goes through during it's orbit around the Earth and Sun.

Revolution - A way to describe the movement of one celestial body as it orbits another. A complete revolution is a complete orbit.

Rotation - The motion of a sphere which is spinning around its own axis.

Satellite - Any object that orbits another celestial body.

Waning Moon - The period of the Moon as it moves from Full Moon to a New Moon, decreasing in visibility.

Waxing Moon - The period of the Moon as it moves from New Moon to Full Moon, increasing in visibility.

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